Monday, July 18, 2011

Can you correct the following paragraph to make it better?

These symptoms affect a person’s thoughts feelings and emotions negatively and thereby inhibit a person from being effective in his/her everyday responsibilities. This leads to lethal consequences in one’s personal and social life. Starting with personal consequences, when a person is depressed, he/she tends to smoke heavily, causing his lungs and brains major damages due to high concentration of tar and nicotine respectively. Moreover, the intake of drugs or alcohol generates numerous biochemical reactions in the brain leading to serious disorders or illness. Some people develop eye sores, consistent headaches and skin diseases and most of them are unaware that depression is the main cause. Visiting a general doctor might help curing the physical aftermath but not psychological depression. Some of the most notable personal consequences of depression are suicide and murder. Moving on to the social consequences, people experiencing depression are mostly isolated. They do not have the energy in their mind to consult issues with their families or their friends. They tend to conceal their problems and as a result reach higher levels of depression. The people closely related to the depression victim are affected socially as well. For example, if a father is depressed, his entire family will experience the absence of his involvement socially.

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