Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Anyone know of a good lightweight pair of hunting pants?

When you think about it, almost any article of clothing can be termed "hunting" clothing. Clothing is designed to protect the body from the environment. If it is hot, light weight clothing is called for. If cold, then wear warm clothing. If you're going through heavy brush that will scrape the skin you need tough clothing and if you will encounter rain/snow you need water proof clothing. I've done a lot of summer shooting in the California deserts and worn short pants for it. Get my legs scratched a lot and have to be careful if I want to kneel but mostly I've found it comfortable. I've been hunting in Alaska in the fall and encountered cold weather and worn ski clothing for that. So you can call any type of clothing "hunting" clothing if you wear it when hunting. I do look for plenty of pockets in both pants and shirts and jackets. So figure out what would be comfortable and tough enough for your hunt. That's what you want.

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